Accelerating Resilience and Climate Change Adaptation: Strengthening the Philippines’ Contribution to Limit Global Warming and Cope with its Impacts

In its first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to the Paris Agreement, the Philippines committed to a GHG emissions reduction/avoidance of 75 percent for the period 2020 to 2030, referenced against a projected business-as-usual cumulative emission for the same period. However, the numbers do not add up, critical sectors such as forestry, which is central to […]
Establishing National Green Banks Could Accelerate Low-Carbon Economies and Financing in Southeast Asia

A green bank can crowd-in private sector financial institutions to help finance green projects. But before providing such funds, local commercial banks and especially small- and medium-sized banks should acquire the necessary green financing capacity to offer technical assistance through advisory services. The green bank should, therefore, provide innovative financial products and advisory services simultaneously to attract private investors […]
How Can Private Sector Financial Institutions Accelerate Green Finance and Transition to a Low Carbon Economy in Southeast Asia?

Government support is pivotal to crowd in private sector capital to scale up green finance opportunities in the Southeast Asia region and pave the way for a low-carbon economy. The report highlights investment opportunities in the green economy, groundbreaking financial products needed to mobilize private sector finance, and actionable measures that cooperating policymakers, private and […]